Sunday, September 30, 2007

We made it.

Ron Paul asked for $500,000. Last I checked they were at 1.1 mil. We made our mark and passed it. I hope that we win.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hope is a horrible bitch most of the time

I hope that Ron Paul wins. I hope that people read this site and go to and see why I like him as a candidate. I hope people donate to express how much they want him to win. I hope people talk to their friends about politics and what they want in a candidate. I hope people really look at their government and decide for themselves if this is how they want to run things.

If you want Ron Paul to be president and you are serious about it do something about. Do things on your own time; make signs, talk to your friends, read up about whats going on, use the internet to make your voice heard best you can, call people, VOTE, put your money where your mouth is. I did.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


Okay so on one side we have a loud mouth rude jerk who is known to be an attention seeking grab ass and on the other we have multiple cops who taser a kid who is unarmed and not attacking.

I think the kid was being a shit. I think that the multiple cops could have just carried his dumb ass out of there. I think tasering him, after I'm given to understand he was trying to get out on his own terms, was too much. (don't they teach cops hand to hand anymore)

From what I heard tasers really freakin' hurt.

I'd don't know. Part of me wants to be outraged, part of me is scared about how much force police use and the implications that any one who shows disobedience is beat down and electrocuted, part of me understands that cops ought to protect themselves and that I don't know what force is necessary vrs. what is excessive.

It seems to me that the taser was too much but I'm not sure how too far it was.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Why do they come to me to die.

I love the vampire larp.  Not so much because of who is there; though we do have some stellar players. I love watching the social patterns. Who talks to who and how an idea or an event enters the public mindspace or doesn't.